Lovely Little Swings


One: Wooden Child's Swing by La Clinica

Two: Wooden Swing by The Wooden Horse

Three: DIY Child Swing by pinjacolada

Four: Kids' Swing by Swingz n Thingz

Five: Baby & Toddler Swing by Solvej Swings

Six: Striped Child's Swing

Seven: Wooden Swing by The Wooden Horse

Eight: Filzschaukel Wool Swing by Mohr Cushion via das mobel


  1. Miss Lauren! I just discovered both of your enchanting blogs and I have to tell you, these discoveries have really made my week. What lovely sites you have. Thing for children are near and dear to my heart (I wrote a children's book blog) and I am so excited to have found you! can't wait to see more.

  2. i WRITE a children's book blog, it's still ongoing. Curse excited typing fingers :)



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